Monday, November 16, 2009

A walk in the woods

Yesterday before evening chores Linda and I went out for a hike. We like a path that outlines and snakes through the back 230 acres of the property, We think it may be three miles. Since we moved here we've had the opportunity to see the Forest change day by day. It was raining lightly so our steps were quited as we mushed through the thick fallen leaves.

The light through the filter of clouds and misty rain made the Forest flora stand out in vibrant color. Blues were intensely blue, greens were vibrant and bright. and oranges and reds screamed out for attention.

There was an intensity of spirit that came alive under the heavy fallen wet leaves of Autumn, a time of year I associate with death and transcendence. That ol' end of season that looms over and dances in the gnarled leafless trees and tall prairie grasses that are dried frozen in mid stand was invisible to this new budding life.

Under all these decaying leaves was an ocean of pulsing breathing shining life.

all these years I had been fooled

all these years I had been fooled into thinking this was a time of rest.

Not so.

I'll never be fooled again or be sad that summer is over
I'll see a cold rainy day not a day to stay indoors but a day to visit my new found friends and to celebrate my life that is now cafefully and thoughtfully interwoven with theirs.


Delphyne said...

This is a really lovely post - and the red/pink mushroom is beautiful!

Alan and Leslie Moyer said...

I loved this post, Lisa, and it made me look at the rainy view out my window in a whole new way. I may have to head out into my own woods and creekbottom tomorrow to see what I can spy....