Tonight I'm weary, my body feels like Raggedy Ann. ( the only doll I had as a girl that did not get her head ripped off). I liked Raggedy Ann and now I am Raggedy Ann. Oh shit. who named this doll and why did they make her raggedy and what the hell happened to Andy? I mean why couldn't she just be Laid Back Linda or Relaxed Rachel or Silly Sophie, Goofy Gloria. WHY? Back to my weariness.....
Days have been long, ridiculously long. I notice at 5pm when I've hit the twelve hour mark, but then by dinner and a glass of wine I get my second wind, ready to foliar feed or move sheep or move drip tape. By about whatevertime I finally finish with the day, I am fried as Okra in a all night buffet. (soggy too). The thing is after a shower, I have a cold one and start to unwind, rather untwist in my case. And its all OK. I go to bed, sleep oh so good and I'm back at it again.
I am having the time of my life. Really. I know winter will be here someday and I'll have time to journal and catch up on books, but right now I'm on frikin fire and I love it. The sheep look great the pullets are growing faster that you can say "get a damn laying box in the Hen-a- beggo".
and the earth is putting forth food faster than Nate and I can harvest it and Linda can wash it.
So what can I do but go with it. smitten

OMG, 'fried as okra in an all night buffet' has to be the best redneck simile *ever*!!! Can I borrow that sometime? Actually, the past few days have felt like I work in a sauna, you? Glad you are loving it, and love the contrast between the "happiness" of grazing pic and the feedlot. Rock on...
nanc, LOL!sauna, oven....hell, dont know but getting up early has taken on a whole new vigor. We just took our breakfast break been workin out in the field since 5:45 Gonna try to be done harvesting at 2 or when we fall over which ever comes first:)
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