A couple nights ago I enjoyed dinner with some friends over at Cordero Farms, we had a great time and feasted on a dinner that I could never find in a restaurant for any price. Local, Cattle Tracks braised beef short ribs that were to die for! served over creamy polenta, out of the garden we had sautéed garlicky chard, potatoes, green beans and seared zucchini, fresh baked bread and soft yummy rub your face on em’ rolls and for dessert…hello, Wagon creek blackberry wine cheese cake. Yea I firkin know! The memory of those short ribs has stayed with me throughout the day. After glow. 
It was really nice to have an evening with friends eating, and laughing and solving each other’s problems. Allowing time for fun is something I need to be mindful of. It’s easy to get caught up in the day and the day after and the day after that. Falling into the flow of the season has been easier than I thought it would be this year. There is so much work and the day turns to night so quickly I barley have time to think about it and when Kasey left I wasn’t sure how I would manage with all that he had started. I found I’m managing just fine. I mean he’s missed and all that but it’s funny how sometimes change can be so freeing. Being pushed off the cliff you sometimes find wings. I find that I am so at peace with the farm. Every cell in my body feels interwoven in the soil and the weather and the weeds, the grass, the mud, the sand and the food, the glorious food. So I celebrate!
It was really nice to have an evening with friends eating, and laughing and solving each other’s problems. Allowing time for fun is something I need to be mindful of. It’s easy to get caught up in the day and the day after and the day after that. Falling into the flow of the season has been easier than I thought it would be this year. There is so much work and the day turns to night so quickly I barley have time to think about it and when Kasey left I wasn’t sure how I would manage with all that he had started. I found I’m managing just fine. I mean he’s missed and all that but it’s funny how sometimes change can be so freeing. Being pushed off the cliff you sometimes find wings. I find that I am so at peace with the farm. Every cell in my body feels interwoven in the soil and the weather and the weeds, the grass, the mud, the sand and the food, the glorious food. So I celebrate!
Nate, my intern this season has really stepped up and has been a huge help. Between the both of us we’ve really been focused on organization and structure, we both work better that way and we’re really starting to see results of our efforts, even though those efforts seem so so great. I think this last Saturday at the farmers market it really rang true for me. Our booth looked fabulous the best so far. I have never been so proud and so satisfied. You don’t get to see it when you’re out in the field hot, sweaty and tired. It’s easy just to see the weeds and the deficiencies, but it all comes together at the booth when everything you’ve worked for is now on display and for sale. It’s such an amazing feeling when your customers comment on how beautiful everything looks even at the last five minutes of the market. It keeps me going at least another season, and dinner with good friends keeps me going for a life time. Let’s do it more often!
We loved the visit, and the wonderful food. Let's do it again soon, sans "Catch Phrase." Dominoes sound like big fun!
"Being pushed off the cliff you sometimes find wings." I love that! Sounds a whole lot nicer than 'sink or swim' ;)
Your pix of the booth are fantastic. It reminds me of the lush booths at the Pike Place Market. Keep up the good work and see you at the Brookside market soon.
Ah, Sue...Catch Phrase was fun! :) Lisa and I are still laughing about "manhole."
It was a great evening...sorry you all had such an eventful end to it after we left!!!!
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