Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Writing it down

With the farm going at a pace I can manage its time for me to get back to the book, yea I'm writing a book. When I say it, I kind of just shrug it off cause writing can be a fickle little thing. Who knows where it will go. I've been working on it off and on... can you believe for the last six years. Yea not very encouraging is it. But writing is a process, and sometimes things just don't roll off the pen. But I'm going to give it another go.

The blog has helped me get into a writing routine which is important, but I've decided to hang the blog up for a little while and limit it to Sunday breakfast, so I can concentrate all of my efforts on the book. Or might I say, what might become a book that is. The point is I'm writing in a more deliberate manor.

I'm writing about my life in the restaurant biz and the transition into a full time farmer
So.....I'll tell you..This isn't the Title..but..' four seasons of meals, stories and meanderings from an Oklahoma farm.' what do you think? So lots of recipes from farm table dinners, lots of stories. I dunno I'm just gonna see what happens.

I put in six hours of writing yesterday so I'm off
Wish me luck and I'll see you Sundays for breakfast!


  1. How exciting! I've been trying to write one simple article for a professional magazine for 4 years, so I feel your pain, but a book, what a challenge! If anyone can do it, you can, and I can't wait to read it! Happy writing!

  2. Bummer......I mean, good for you. Save enough ink to inscribe a copy or two.

  3. Going about it deliberately is exciting. I'm sure there is plenty of fodder in your journal and your blog.
    See ya on sundays!

  4. I think you're a fabulous writer, Lisa, and think the book will be terrific! You go girl! :-)
